Page 10 - God Got His Hands Dirty
P. 10

Bob Brock
        seeking revival/experiencing revival/pastoring revival. You will gain
        an appreciation for Brock’s gift s as both a writer and communicator,
        via the instruction and inspiration to be discovered in the content
        of this discourse.

             The reader will realize that revival is not limited to a prescribed
        number of services specified on the church calendar. Nor, is it
        delivered by the act of any particular charismatic personality.
             Rather, revival will be defined through the lens of biblical
        characters, circumstances, and concepts. Then, you will be
        equipped with the tools to properly and prayerfully assess the
        condition of your church in relation to revival. Finally, you will find
        BOTH spiritual and practical application which will combine the
        truth, time, talent, and treasure of the pastor, congregation, and
        evangelist/prophet producing a potent New Testament result.

             It is our desire that this book serves the local church, the
        grassroots pastor, and the itinerant minister in fulfilling our God
        given purpose one to another, as well as our communities in need
        of Christ. Together, we are better!

             “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in
        you?” (Psalm 85: 6 MEV)
                            -Evangelist Jason Stidham-

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