Page 13 - God Got His Hands Dirty
P. 13

God Got His Hands Dirty

              The First Church of the Almost Dead

                 Timeline: 120 days before the start date of scheduled revival

                 Perspective on revival:
                 Most  pastors/churches/denominations  are  much  like  the
             woman who went into her doctor’s off ice to get the report of her
             recent X-rays. The report wasn’t good. She needed surgery but
             couldn’t aff ord it. So the doctor touched up her X-rays. This made
             her feel better temporarily, but it was disastrous in the long run.
             I am afraid that is true of most pastors/churches/denominations
             when taking an honest look at the condition of our church. We
             would rather have the X-rays of our diagnosis touched up if the
             diagnosis is not good. It may make us all feel better, but it is tragic
             for days, years or generations to come. It’s pay now or later.
                 Proposal: Be honest with the diagnosis of the church, accept
             the findings and fix the problems. The answer is: revival now!

                 “The First Church of the Almost Dead” is not a flattering name.
             Few people, if any, would be attracted to it. Unfortunately, it can
             be applied to many churches today. They haven’t put a padlock on
             the doors and they are still going through the motions, but they are
             lifeless, listless, and languishing away. Everyone knows they are
             almost dead. Everyone but them.
                 In American society, there are 9 churches closing every week.
             Church leaders are faced with the pressure of turning a church
             around with limited resources to reach new people, hire eff ective

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