Page 4 - Vol 1 No 1 digital
P. 4

N ightByL: Bigridhgtetst Henson

  On the last Friday of every month, Tiffany Kidd and a group of
women are greeted by the doorman at a local strip club in Enterprise,
Alabama. Instead of paying a cover, they walk unhindered through
the establishment to the dancer’s dressing rooms.

  Gifts of chocolate and fruit are given to the girls, the owner, and
the bartender. But the most important thing they bring is hope,
love, and the light of Jesus.

  They don’t preach, talk down to, or degrade the women working
there. Instead, they build relationships with those that are desperately
trying to survive a dark world. They build them up. They let them know
that they are valued, and loved.

  Because of their willingness to be Jesus, they’ve had the opportunity to pray
with several of these precious ladies. One dancer has enrolled her child at their
church’s summer camp. Another is considering a career change.

  Email Tiffany at if you’re interested in aiding this
ministry, or if you would like information on how to begin a similar ministry in your city.

                                                                   In February 2016, the Lord put it on my heart to rent a
                                                                 booth at our upcoming local fair. As a young minister just
                                                               starting out, I didn’t have the funds in the budget. However,

A Fair Outreach as I prayed, the Lord made it clear that He would provide. We
                                                                received the last space available. We also purchased a 9-foot banner
 By: David Hoffmanthat read “Jesus Christ: The Answer to all my questions. The Solution
                                                                     to all my problems” so that every one of the 350,000 attendees
                                                                                                                         would see the truth.
      During the fair, we had up to 13 volunteers at a time. Every day, we saw people come to Christ. We planted seeds in
     hundreds of lives through one-on-one conversations. Several thousand gospel tracts were handed out. Each volunteer
  grew in their boldness and confidence as they shared Christ with person after person. The last two nights of the fair, we

                                                                                                         set up a PA system and preached.
   The Holy Spirit drew many people to Christ. We witnessed several experience God’s power. 125 souls committed their

                 lives to Jesus. Contact information was gathered so that we could help them plug into a solid local church.
                                                      The Holy Spirit will move in power if you share and proclaim the Gospel.

To support this ministry contact David Hoffman at
or visit

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