Page 5 - Vol 1 No 1 digital
P. 5

Comfortable Faith

We don’t miss a church service, but have forgotten how to serve. We take advantage of any
        opportunity in the spot light, but we would rather avoid the little accomplishments—there’s
not enough pizazz.We are so well grounded in doctrine,but we are no longer moved with compassion.We
pride ourselves in knowing the solution to the world’s problems, but don’t take time to share Jesus with
the person we pass on the street. Or the one in our own neighborhood.
 But we believe.You couldn’t shake our continent of faith.We say we are confident in Jesus,in Calvary,
in the blood, in the resurrection… We are quick to declare that He can heal, set free, and forgive. But
don’t ask us to step outside our church sanctuary. How is it that we can so cling to the belief alone that
He is God that we totally miss the becoming like Him part?
 When Jesus was on earth, you would’ve had an easier time finding Him walking amidst the crowd of
the unclean than hidden in the temple. Looking for Jesus? Try the sea shore—He’s probably hanging
out with fishermen.But we’re more content to stay in our routine—go to church every time the doors are
open and love the people that are already clean.
 But I challenge us to put our faith into action. Most of us are so secure in our faith that an argument
with the greatest philosopher couldn’t move us. But how strong is it really if it never even walks? How
reliable is it if it’s never carried outside the church doors? How do we know beyond all doubt that the
blood is sufficient if we never offer it to anyone? How can we stay convinced that our God can heal if we
never request His healing power on behalf of another?
 We have conjured up every excuse in the book. We have wasted time criticizing the men and women of
God intent on reaching out.We have justified our laziness because we sing in the choir and teach Sunday
School. We have turned a deaf ear to the cries around us because their looks don’t fit our standards.
We have become so focused on our worth and their lack that we’ve forgotten our souls share the same
price—the blood of the Lamb.

                           There’s a world hurting and dying,and we hold in our hearts the cure.But
                         they need it in our hands. They need accessible grace. They need available
                         mercy. They need tangible hope—in the form of a servant.

                           Believing is only the beginning.Action is the sustaining power of our faith.
                          ~Elsie Miller

                                Elsie Miller is a Southern-raised, blood-bought child of the Most High God. At a
                                young age, she asked God to give her the gift of words. She now seeks to share His
                                heart through words that will inspire, challenge, and encourage. Contact Elsie by
                                email at

June - August 2016 	 │
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