Stuck in a Ditch

Stuck in a Ditch

[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]The ground where she lay, chilled her back. Towering dirt walls rose above her on both sides. White clouds floated out of her reach on a background of the bluest of blue. She shouldn’t be here. A smooth path ran through the ditch and curved around to places unknown Read more…

The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian Andersen

The Ugly Duckling

[featured-image single_newwindow=”false”]The Ugly Duckling. Illustrated by Vilhelm Pedersen. Written by Hans Christian Andersen[/featured-image]   The Parable of The Ugly Duckling In the original version of The Ugly Duckling written by Hans Christian Andersen the bird was first believed to be a turkey by his mother who could plainly see he Read more…